Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Detox, Baby!!!!! And almost 11 lbs lost in 5 days.

Hello there,

I am in a SERIOUS detox!!!! I never knew Juicing could be so powerful!!! Man, i shoulda listened to Meredith of the www.therawseed.com like AGES ago! She and her hubby juice DAILY.

I feel like i have the flu, but i don't. It's just detox. I feel that feeling you feel when you're slightly feverish, like you could just sit and stare at the wall for hours. And sitting or laying i feel fine, but standing, a little woozy.

I've felt this way many, many, many times before over my 3 years of being raw. It is sooooo reminiscent of how i felt at the raw retreat in San Diego. We were all walking around like zombies, carrying pillows with us to classes, resting alot, napping alot.

Usually these waves are followed by renewed energy.

Knowing about this normal reaction of the body and the opportunity it is of detox, i'm totally okay with it, even welcoming of it. Many people who don't realize detox is GREAT, are frightened by it and go back to eating regular food, saying 'RAW FOOD MADE ME FEEL BAD.'

Well, raw food may make you feel badly for a little while, but ultimately, you will feel even BETTER than you ever did. Some people just don't allow themselves to get over that hump.

I know that my body is finally able to go to work cleaning house since i'm offering it less food and more nutrition. I've been raw for 3 years, but my kind of raw has been tons of nuts and living bread. It was time for a good cleaning out i suppose!!!

Juicing is not EASY. It takes effort. It's kind of a pain in the ass always washing the juicer elements, but, so far, it is seriously WORTH IT!!!

This daily morning practice over the last days has produced ASTOUNDING weight loss (due to the calorie reduction, i suppose, of one entire meal, which could have been 1,000 cals easily in a thick banana shake with hemp and agave, etc...), and it's enabling me to eat a meal containing nuts for lunch....AND still lose weight!


I weighed in this morning at 255.5. I think i was 266 like 5 days ago???? Pretty amazing!

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Here's what i ate for Tuesday, Sept 29th

Breakfast: juice -
celery, ginger, green apple juice, sipped all morning until 12pm

Sn: cacao shake - banana, vanilla, cacao, agave, 1 large glass before my singing lesson

Ln: at least 4 cups curry coleslaw: dressing of 4 heaping Tbsp pistachio cream made with 2 curry powders, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, agave, nutritional yeast, raw vinegar, on shredded savoy cabbage, red onion, red pepper and carrots, eaten over 3 episodes. when i got full, i stopped and finished later.

Dn: big banana shake drank over several hours: 10 small bananas, icecubes

So, I drank my juice in the a.m. It's not as pleasurable as a fattening nutty shake, but i really see it's value. And plus, i still have 1 more head of celery leftover from the Beckwith event (yesterday i juiced 2 whole heads) and some other veggies still leftover. Having those loads of veggies leftover really prompted this juicing feast. I am soooo grateful I overbought veggies!

Since i had an early singing lesson yesterday, i packed up my cacao shake into my igloo, knowing i would be hungry before the lesson.

You have to REALIZE what you need and realize that juice alone will not hold you in a singing lesson and address those needs and take food with you, always. I did great energy wise in my lesson after my cacao smoothie. NO problem.

I also make lunch and packed in, figuring i'd be hungry afterwards. Take care of yourself this way and you CAN stay raw. Packing food is paramount to success. Don't pack, and you end up at "Wendy's". That little bit of effort saves you everytime. Don't think of it as work. This of it as SELF CARE. I never begrudge that i HAVE to do this. I WANT to do it. Because i'm committed to staying raw. The benefits of eating raw far outweight any hassle. I know if i don't pack, i will either starve, or have to run all over town in search of prepacked 'Awesome Foods'. Or sometimes, when i don't pack and have the time to market, i'll go pick up an avo and some veggies and make a meal in the car. But packing is a huge YES-YES with me. I almost always pack something when i go out. Even just to throw a few apples in my purse.

Juicing yesterday was hard to do. Juicing is kind of like exercise. You think about it and you're like, 'aaaaarrrrggghhhh....i have to do THAT.' I suppose packing food can sometimes be like that. Like i'll get ready to go somewhere in a rush and be like, 'oh no, i'll need lunch.' Juicing, exercise and packing food all take a fair amount of effort and forethought, but they are ALL worth it! With juicing, once you chop up your veggies, you're on your way. Keep your juicer clean and that's half the battle.

What do you do with the pulp? All of the pulp, you SAVE. You're nuts if you get rid of it. Well, some people compost it, but don't just throw it in the trash. It'll only last a few days in the fridge, so I'm freezing mine now. When i have a good load, i plan to defrost and make living bread from it with no or little oil and a fair amount of soaked buckwheat instead of tons of flax seeds, which are fatty. Better for the waistline, i am surmising. And no salt. I'm excited to make it!

I had a singing lesson yesterday and have a singing performance tonight. Wish me luck!!!

I bought the prettiest dress yesterday, new, still with tags, at the Salvation Army, for my performance tonight. It was just one of those things finding it. 6$ and i look smashing. Size 20W. I used to wear size 38W and was growing out of that when i weighed 425 lbs.

The new teacher is GREAT. All new concepts, however, so it will take some time to assimilate, but i had an awesome practice session last night using the new concepts and it really feels GOOD.

Overall with the diet change over the last few days, my voice is so much better since i stopped the insane gourmet binging. HELLO. Don't you think a destructive behavior, overloading the body with fat galore, has it's consequences???? On me, it certainly does. The swelling in the larynx/vocal cords is down. Singing was good. It will get even better.

I'm taking the Betaine HCl still. I guess i have bad digestion and really need it. I take at least 10 pills a day. It really helps me. If i eat nuts and don't take it, i wake up with a froggy voice (reflux laryngitis).

I tried to nap yesterday. Not successful, really. I dozed off for 2 mins, but awoke feeling somewhat rested and actually much better. But I awoke this morning still feeling flu-like. It's detox, baby! It kind of sucks, but you have to look at it in a positive light. My body is actually strong enough to start doing an internal cleansing. For that it needs rest and respect. I'm pleased with this flu-feeling in a way because it means what i'm doing is working. And the weight is dropping off. Less nuts, less oil, more nutrition, better cleanse. yay.

Took 3 poopies yesterday. Man...that's a lot of stuff movin' through me!

LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you. So happy to have received your comments and emails. Keep 'em comin'! Say HI please whenever you can.

xoxo michelle joy


Eatiing Raw Foods Info said...

Sounds like you're doing good! Congratulations on the new dress!

I have to say I feel the same way sometimes - like I need to exercise, I need to juice, I need to do all my "chopping" for my raw food meals. It can seem like a lot of work, but I wouldn't want to eat any other way now.

And at least I like the taste of the juice I make. The juicer isn't that hard to put up or take down - I think it's just everything mixed together:-)

Laura said...

Go go go! Keep up the good work. Congrats on the juicy weight release! Laura